Whatever the reason for you to want a girl child, there are some methods that tell you how to get pregnant with a girl. Take a look at these methods presented here.
~Alan Marshall Beck
A lot of parents have an affinity for a girl child, with or without reason. They simply want to have a girl. Perhaps it is because they already have a son, and a girl would complete the family. Perhaps it is because fathers are known to be attached to their loving daughters, and it is this innate feeling that makes them want to have a girl. Perhaps it is the aforementioned description of a beautiful girl child, that makes a couple want to raise baby girls. Whatever the belief, having a child is a matter of choice, and therefore, so is having a girl child. If you are one of those parents who are longing for a girl child, here's how to get pregnant with a girl.
Ways to Get Pregnant with a Girl
Before we get started on these methods on how to get pregnant with a baby girl, it is important to clarify that none of the gender selection methods can definitely guarantee the conception of a girl child. However, they are likely to increase the chances of conceiving a girl and helping you realize your dream. Take a look at some of the tips mentioned here.
- Timing: To know how to get pregnant with a girl, you first must know when is the best time to get pregnant with a girl, or what is a good time to start trying to conceive a girl. It has been suggested that engaging in intercourse about 3-4 days before ovulation begins is the best time to start trying for a baby girl. This is because the sperm that carries the X chromosome or those responsible for a baby girl, is stronger than the sperm that carries the Y chromosomes or those responsible for a baby boy. As such, by the time the egg is ready to receive the sperm, the male chromosomes will have died off, thereby increasing the chances of conceiving a baby girl. Avoid intercourse on the day or a day after ovulation.
- Positioning: It has been said that having intercourse in the missionary position is one of the ways of increasing the chances of having a baby girl. This is because it allows for a shallow penetration position, and the the entrance to a woman's vagina is less alkaline. It is possible for the X chromosome to survive in such a highly acidic climate, while it is difficult for the Y chromosome to do so. As such, the chances of having a baby girl are increased.
- Creating an Acidic Environment: As mentioned earlier, it is difficult for a male chromosome to survive in a highly acidic environment but an alkaline climate is suitable for it. As such, to avoid an alkaline environment, it is essential that the female does not orgasm during intercourse. When a woman is about to do so, it increases the alkalinity in the area, and increases the chances of having a baby boy. Avoiding it on the other hand, will help you have a baby girl.
- Eating Right: A lot of women have found that simply by eating certain foods, they have been able to conceive and deliver a baby girl. Foods such as fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, corn, cranberries and blueberries, wine and yogurt should be consumed by both partners. It is also believed that women who wish to have a baby girl should eat lots of chocolate. However, ensure that you are in good health to do so, as an excess of anything can be hazardous to your overall health. Moreover, women at the risk of diabetes should avoid such methods.
- Traditional Methods: A lot of people believe in astrology and that there is perhaps a best month to conceive a girl. While some have benefited from this belief, there are others who would rather stick to the scientific methods of having a girl child. In any case, if you wish to resort to such traditional methods, you may take a look at this Chinese conception calendar that will help you learn how to get pregnant with a girl fast, but at the right time.
Determining the best month to conceive a girl is partly a scientific method, wherein you can overcome the odds of having a daughter. Leaf through this article, to understand when is the best month to conceive a girl.
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Which is Best Month to Conceive a Girl?
In general, men express their preference for sons, while women wish to have daughters. Those who are planning for a second pregnancy usually have a strong liking for a child opposite to the gender of their first baby. If you have been trying to conceive a girl, you can determine the best month to conceive a girl with a little forethought and planning. Though the techniques mentioned below are not entirely promising, they have really worked wonders for several couples.
Understand Fertilization Process
Remember that the gender of the baby depends entirely on the fertilizing process, which occurs when the sperm released from the male partner meets the egg of the female partner. If the sperm containing X chromosome (female sperm) fertilizes the egg, the future baby is a girl. On the contrary if an egg is fertilized by sperm having Y chromosome (male sperm), then the result would be a baby boy.
Focus on Shettles Method
As per Dr. Shettles theory, the male sperm (Y) is smaller in size than the female sperm (X). Consequently, the former travels at a faster rate for fertilizing the egg, but dies very quickly. This is correlated with the probability of conceiving a baby girl at a particular time of the month. It is suggested that the chances of baby girl conception is higher, immediately after periods but 2-3 days before ovulation. Thus, indulging in sexual intercourse during this time of the month in missionary position, would ensure the conception of a baby girl.
Follow Welan Guidelines
The instructions provided by Dr. Elizabeth Welan are somewhat contradictory to the Settles method. According to her, trying the old-fashioned method of conception holds higher chances of giving birth to a baby girl. Indulging in intercourse when the basal body temperature is elevated by ½ to 1 degree may gestate into a baby girl. Thus, it is highlighted that the period immediately before ovulation is the best time of the month to conceive a girl.
Refer Chinese Birth Calender
Referring to a Chinese Gender Predictor Chart is another way to find out the best time to conceive a girl. According to this, the expecting mother's age (with reference to lunar calender) is correlated with the month of conception for gender selection. Like for example; a 25 year old expecting mother will give birth to a baby girl, if the month of conception falls in January, April, May and July. In another instance, a 35 year old women is likely to conceive a girl in any of the following months - March, May, June, July, September and October. Likewise, you can find out the best month to conceive a boy.
The Girl Diet Conception
It is common belief that eating certain food items increases the chances of conceiving a baby girl. If you like this idea, stack your pantry with vegetables, chocolates, sweet goodies and fish; while cutting down intake of red meat and salty foods. Nevertheless, seek your concerned gynecologist or nutritionist prior to making profound alterations in the diet plan.
This was a brief overview concerning when is best month to conceive a girl. Precisely speaking, there is no natural gender selection method that guarantees giving birth to a baby girl. In short, at-home natural practices for conceiving a baby girl or a baby boy work in 50/50 probability. The logic is to overcome the odds, be happy with the outcome and celebrate the arrival of a new member in your family, irrespective of the baby's gender.